Thermography Screenings
October 16, 2023
Thermography Screenings – Pricing Varies
October 16 | @ Touch Light Chiropractic
Thermography Screenings @ Touch Light Chiropractic on October 16th
Who can benefit from Thermographic Imaging? Anyone who is interested in proactively taking charge of their health and not focused exclusively on specific disease diagnosis will benefit from Thermal Imaging.
Why Thermography? We believe thermography is an early assessment of negative changes in the body that, if left unaddressed can lead to different life-changing diseases. What this means is changes that would not be visible to any other examination can be very apparent and indicate an opportunity to make changes for the purpose of optimizing and preserving health.
Call (704) 885-5770 to check availability and schedule your Medical Thermography Scan with Dr. Kat at Touch Light Chiropractic on 10/16
Breast – $225
Full Body Scan $495
Health Study Women – $398
Health Study Men – $370
Check Out ThermographyCharlotte.com The Charlotte Thermography Center