The Silvers Healing Modality
The Silvers Healing Modality™ is a healing method Candace Silvers, internationally known healer, has been honing her entire life. In this modality, the healer uses their hands as scanning devices to identify energy blocks within the person’s body and remaps their energetic state.
This non-invasive energy work helps heal muscles, bones, neurological and spinal systems, and internal organs. It can be used to promote healing with everything from physical pain, coughs and colds to more complex dis-eases and chronic symptoms.
At the beginning of each session, you can let the doctor know which ailment/condition/symptom you would like them to address. If there is more than one issue, you can bring a list with you to share with the doctor. Depending on how many issues and how intense they are, it may take multiple sessions to get to all of them.
Everyone experiences healing differently. Many people describe a warm, tingly or static sensation, followed by a release of pain or tension. However, some people receive profound results even without feeling any physical sensations.
Because not everyone is able to work with the doctor in-person, there is an opportunity to experience healing from a distance. This includes online via Zoom and through pictures.