Dr. Ginni’s & Dr. Tina’s thoughts on
Heatlh & Wellness

Preventing Heart Disease
Tips on preventing heart disease by changing habits.
Good Health By Choice, Not by Chance
Having good health is an intentional choice you make.
First Signs of Cold/Flue
The warning signs of a Cold / FLU and what should you do when you spot them?
How do you talk to yourself?
If someone else talked to you the way that you sometimes talk to yourself – you probably wouldn’t like it.
The Power of the Mind
When you wake up, what are you thinking first thing in the morning? What mind-set do you go to bed with?
Which Wolf Do You Feed?
We have choices on what we focus on in our lives. We have the choice to feed the good wolf….or the bad.
The Benefits Of Exercise
Find out more about why taking time to exercise benefits you.
Heart Health
Heart disease is a silent killer for many. Chiropractic can help.